Mar 05, 2008 23:29
In all the months since Rodney had disappeared, the idea that he might actually someday reappear had never been far from Dylan's mind. It seemed to sit there between John an herself like a wall, a vaguely ominous possibility that they couldn't seem to get past, not even when they named the damned dog.
For all of that, having it actually happen had shocked Dylan more than she could have anticipated. Seeing him and knowing that he was Rodney, but not her Rodney, not their Rodney rocked her down to her foundations, had left her mentally scrambling, and sure, she could put on a good face. Sure, she could make sure things were taken care of, she could toss a quip and pretend nothing had changed, could watch John when he thought she wasn't looking, just to be certain he was okay. But it had been a long fucking day, and suddenly the weight of the load she'd been carrying for six months was taking its toll.
Sitting on the edge of the bed she shared with John, the breeze humming over the tent canvas overhead, Dylan was thinking on a great many things long left in the dark. On John, on herself, on Rodney and Natalie and Mark and Yorick and everyone else that had ever meant a damned thing to her. It wasn't bad, this new development, but it was so much bigger than itself, like a prism casting light on so many aspects of her life left long untouched.