I can't even believe myself but hell yes I'm dreaming of Tsukuyomi Ikuto whut 8D;
It's actually another "Gah I'm being chased by a random group/organization" dream, but this time I'm in a group. I don't really remember about the others (I think one of them resembled Sanjou Kairi) but I remembered having Ikuto with me XDDDD
Even though... his personality was not that cool personality he has in the anime. Kind of cuter since he admits he scared to pass the almost-broken wooden bridge and he also stared at me with a frown when I said I took a 1L bottle of sprite and a small of bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator in the plane (I don't even know what plane was that lol)
I'm really hoping to see the continuation of this dream tonight XDDDDD;;;
Bounen no Xamudo is one captivating anime. I really love the anime style and the plot looks very interesting too ♥ Definitely one must watch anime *___*b
PS. Sou
flowerchorus, don't worry, I haven't read it either XDD;;;;;;