For your disappointment, first of all I have to say that I still had no idea how to get the photo from the handphone to the computer ._____.;;;; *forgot her card reader at Malaysia*
Anyways, it began one day, when I stared at my brother playing Wii sport and I stared at a Gundam 00 picture on the computer then I realized that really want to mess around with the Mii channel.
And so, I stopped my brother from choosing another game and told him to get me to the Mii channel. He just did it obediently and gave me the Wii remote control. And not so long after that a Mii with PINK color and bob hair appeared. I gave him a pair of glasses and a smug expression and I got my Tieria on Wii 8DDDDDDDD
Too bad there's no purple color for the hair *pouts*
Then we looked around again, and since I couldn't find any hairstyle that fit to be Allelujah, Lockon or Setsuna, I decided to make Riku from Kingdom Hearts instead.
And my brother laughed so hard because Riku acted like a super star when he's thrown to be with the other Miis XDDD;;;;
My brother, being a Wii Sports freak, asked me whether he could play Tieria or Riku
Brother: "Can I?"
Me: *thinks* " can play Riku, just leave Tieria alone."
Brother: "Why not?"
Me: "Because he's mine. I'm the only on allowed to play him." >DDDD
Brother: ".....okay..." *plays with Riku*
Then, just a few days ago I decided to make Fuji when I realized there's his hairstyle there and also the always closed eyes. XDD;;;;
There's a possibility of making Yuuta too, I think I saw his hairstyle XDDD
So right after that my brother played tennis using him, and in a mere 2-3 hours Fuji's already ranked pro 8D;;;
On the other news, my father is finally home this afternoon. He's still on recovery but he's all better. >A<
And the internet home is also awesome. Yay for the beginning of the month! XDDDD
It's almost a week and now I'm stuck on the hard mode of Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu Tatakae Ouendan 2. So far I love the songs, and the story are so crack lol And the blue team's leader on easy mode is so cute and uke that I played the easy mode just to see him LMAO *is shot*
Now I'm downloading the first game just to see whether that's the one that has Ready Steady Go! as the last song. The one I played only has Hyde's Countdown and damn it's really hard to play >___>;
I also downloading Reborn NDS game. I can only try it tomorrow but I'm already curious *__*
*distract self with Rune Factory*
dtn ♥
PS. Nikki, I already listened to the Hitsuji de Oyasumi of Yoshi and Kamiyan, and I'm sure I would melt if I was not at my Aunt's place XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD