Not really sure whether I'm enjoying that or not, but I'm happy to cosplay as Fuji Syuusuke and met
flowerchorus last saturdayXDDD
I bought her groups' Taiyaki mini artbook, Sora and Roxas pins from them too, two bookmarks from kamcao, one Yue's '3 and 1/2' sketchbook XD;;
There's also some nice cosplayers!
Tamaki from Ouran
...who's very Tamaki-ish XD
Kaito and Agito from Air Gear
Eisen, Yorihisa and Yasuaki
..she's tall! As tall as the one cosplay as Yasuaki I think
The great group from Phoenix Wright. They even got the boards! ^_^
Anyway, if there's some people who found their photos here, please tell me which one are you so I can put some infos there ^__^
Huh? What? My cosplay photos? Later. I'll put it in a locked post instead... since I'm shy *whacked*