Need to remind myself about how gay my male friends are, lol

Sep 19, 2007 03:46

Well, one of my friend, who is a senior, is having his birthday today, which is why his housemate was calling us all to 'ambush' him.

And I was amused with the liquid one of our friend made.

It stinks!! It totally is! x___X;

I don't know what the hell she put inside it, but I heard she put some cooking oil and carrots inside. I don't know what other ingredients she put in that made the said liquid had that brown color...

And there she got 3 bottles of it, each bottle's amount is 1.5L... Surely i ran away, I can't even stand the smell x.x

They really threw that might-be-worse-than-Inui-juice-liquid to my friend 8DDD

Two times. Once when we ambushed him near the basketball court, and once again in front of his house. I think it was quite a commotion that the security is always there, lol

Well, all in all, they took care of the mess in front of the house first before my friend had a proper birthday, which contain blowing the candle, cut the cake, and taking photos.

I just can't shrugged my stupid smile on my face when they took the boys-only photos on the stairs. The birthday guy is at the middle, sitting on the stairs, while his friends were all acting flashy and gay until the camera-girl remind them who the birthday guy is.

Then there's one guy, who practically pulled the left side of his shirt until the chest. That made me went "OMGLOL THAT'S SO GAY!!". And the birthday guy's face is just right in front of his stomach 8DDDDDDD


Okay, enough XD;;;;;;;

Sore ni~
I got some more videos which will show you how much fan I am of the Tales series
And no, no crack this time XD

テイルズオブジアビス Tales of the abyss OVA風OP(ノンクレジットVer.) MAD
Someone attempted to make some kind of OVA opening of Tales of the Abyss XD~
Wonderfully done, and so I order recommend you to watch it <3

Honestly speaking, I don't really like this one. It's just that some part is really intriguing for me... which seems to urging my AschxLuke muse to do some work, lol

テイルズ オブ レクイエム
The song and sequence is great. But I don't find it really appealing though ^^;

【MAD】 Venus Say (テイルズ オブ ジ アビス)
This one is also nice, using Twin Spica's OP song XD
Might contain spoilers ^^a

TALES【MAD】 Lapis Lazuli
This one is cool too~ kyaan~ *fangirling overload*

tales of destiny MAD
My mind says: YAY! DYMLOS/STAN/LION 8DDDDDDD *bricked*
Oh, this one got some spoilers too... I think XD;

MAD アビス by「光と影を抱きしめたまま」
Another loveable Tales of The Abyss video.... with spoilers, of course ^_^;;

[MAD] Colors of the Heart-テイルズオブデスティニー- (Tales of Destiny)
ToD clips with Blood+ OP = I love it XD << not helping *smacked*

I think that's all for today's youtube flood, hehe XD;;;


:: tales series, youtube, daily life, :: tales of the abyss, :: tales of destiny

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