Oct 27, 2006 07:14
My math class was cancelled this morning which made me slightly happy because I didn't feel like going to class in the first place and I was far too tired to sit through math class AND take a friggin' quiz.
My cigarette intake seems to be increasing. And so is the fact that I can run out of breath much faster now. Plus alcohol is starting to seem a lot more tempting now. Life is good. Even cocaine, is starting to seem tempting. Because hey, who the fuck cares anymore anyway?
We're having a halloween party in my anthro class on tuesday! It should be fun, minus the fact that there's going to be ribs and that stuff is fucking gross. Ew. But on the good side of things, the halloween party at my house is this saturday which means alcohol and candy. Yum.
Haven't been able to feel much as of late. The minute I start to, I just go to sleep so by the time I wake up, I'm numb again. So it's good I can't feel because I know the minute I do, I'll crash too far and do something stupid.