Jun 19, 2005 22:35
It's my last day as a 20 something.. it kinda feels weird.. like i'm supposed to grow up over night.. but im not going to.. I dont feel like i'm 30.. sometimes I don't even feel 20.. i'm sitting at my parents place.. thinking about life.. people have been asking me all week if I feel scared that i'm going to be so "old".. but hey.. its just a number.. life goes on no matter what number I put next to my name when they ask me my age..
Life is pretty sweet at the moment.. i'm happy, healthy and living it up.. I miss my online friends.. but I dont miss the drama.. and it feels really good to be out there living!
I hope everyone is doing well.. so hi and hugs all round for those who want one.. and a bourbon for those who dont :{P