Oct 15, 2007 22:13
My body aches- my head is slow- i cant think straight- and I'm tired. I have 2 papers next week- one due monday the other due wednesday. A project that was supposed to be due today- now due wednesday. 14 letters i need to mail out for this stupid thing mom wants me to do to try to get me a job- however i got an envelope stuck in the printer so i gotta wait til dad can fix it- because I'm too tired and too sore to fiddle with it right now. I have a test tomorrow in french, which i dispise.
I got a million things running around in my brain, none of which are helping the fact that i have a million things to and not enough brain matter to complete it all.
I need sleep but i need to pull an all nighter. I'm tired as hell and yet i can still type..just can't do too much else but stare at the computer.
How am i supposed to ace my classes while fighting depression too??