about masturbation

Sep 23, 2007 22:07

actually im not sure whether to discuss this issue over here, but since most of my Lj comments usually gave me surprise, i decided to write here anyway.

i know im a loser that im still the oldest V in malaysia, therefore i still masturbate bcoz nobody wants to F me or let me F at all...

does any of my fellow Ljers still masturbate, by the way? :p

anyway, back to my topic... i was just feeling werid that... recently after everytime i *u know what*, i feel very very tired. like really out of energy and feeling super sleepy that kind of tired.

ok of coz i do have some common sense that after *u know what*, we do feel tired n sleepy. but... this is a bit too tired and sleepy lo!

so... i have been controlling not to mast, as i feel very scarily tired after it... anyone can tell me have u guys been experiencing this? advise?

a bit the scary hor...
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