(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 09:27

So since ive been back from my vacation, ive never wanted it to end, its just been too great to not have to work, and today is actually my 3rd day not working, but really ive told myself many times already "i'll show up at my job tomorrow, for sure, no plans, no nothing" then i'll wake up in the middle of the night like, "no, i cant go in" I hate that job, soo much. I feel that everyone there is crazy to be pushing their emoployees to work at 5 am and all through out the day while only being paid $8, and not have made even a dollar more after working there for more than a year, its bull shit, plus I lose about 50 bucks from every pay check, thats me working free days out of my ass for the union, ect... so ive been getting calls from my manager every morning "where are you!?"
anyways, id rather spend this time being on practice and other musical interest before we go into recording, i feel that i need as many ideas and inspirations before we do this and almost isolating myself to do this will be rewarding for myself. Money on the other hand shouldnt be a problem, i have more money than anyone in my family saved for this, and i knew i would be quitting my job this month anyways so its not that big of a deal, i just cant be spending it on anything else but gasoline and recording..
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