Happy new year! Hope you've all had great New Years Eves, celebrating in whichever way you enjoy most.
Also looking forward to the new year, here's hoping we all have those little dreams come true and keep keeping on when they don't work out.
It would be incredibly remiss of me if I let today pass without marking it as the first anniversary of us saying goodbye to Ten and the whole RTD era. It's been an incredible journey with such highs and lows and so many memories. 'Thank you' seems too small a phrase to express the sentiment of how glad I am to have had all those experiences tied into a little show we all watch, but for now it's going to have to do.
Also, the sissy that I am, I do still miss Ten so much! Matt's great and the 11th Doctor has really hooked me in too, but i think Ten will always be my favourite now. so one year on, here's looking at you, Ten.
And one of my absolute favourite Ten Tribure videos to mark the occaison (with fingers crossed that I manage to link a youtube video)
Happy New Year!
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