I've realised that I've been so far, quiet on my views on series 5.
I started it really excited, sad that I was missing DT, but as a lifelong Doctor Who fan, also really excited about a new team, a new doctor, a new companion. I felt, and feel, optimistic about what they'll do with the show, and I'm looking forward to how this series goes.
Eleventh hour was loads of fun, and "Basically, run." really sealed Matt's performance for me. Beast Below was a good, creepy, bit of fun. I have to admit I hooted when one of the bodyguards said "Ten has penetrated the lower levels". I know, I should grow mushrooms in my mind.
Then I had a wobble. Actually, on second viewing, Victory of the Daleks, was good. Maybe not as good as the previous two. Maybe I had high expectations because I'm a fan of Mark Gatiss. Maybe the finality of Ten's regeneration was finally hitting me. It was the weekend I really really missed Ten. I think my poor brain just thought "aaaaahhhhhh, tune, doctor, tardis, companion, screwdriver, now the Daleks too?! Too much change, can't handle so much change!!" But that's ok, and moving on is ok too. And I'm doing both - no need for either/or.
The Angels episodes, I loved loved loved. I feel properly hooked in and now can't wait for the rest of the series.
I'm genuinely sad and miss Ten and DT, but I look forward to great things that I'm sure lie in his future.
Matt's great, Karen's great, Eleven's great, the new team are great. The new theme and Daleks...are growing on me (in a non rash kind of way).
Next stop everywhere.....