May 28, 2005 12:02
So I thought BoBo Fett was Darth Vader because at the end of Episode II, Obi-Wan chops off BoBo Fett father's head and he sits on the ground holding it. The helmut Java Fett was wearing looks like a Vader helmut except for it is grey. So BoBo Fett spray paints the helmut black to show his mourning, and wears it to conseal his identity (and as a memoir of his father)as he leads the clones in their war not for, but against the Republic.
Come on guys, just face it. George Lucas is a peon. I am a plot master. He should change the movie, because my plot line RULES!
settle down... settle down count to 10. give yourself time to realize I'm right.
geez. jk
[14 days til ACAPULCO]