Jul 09, 2005 10:55
I dont know what to do. I have this friend who has really been hurting me recently. (Not physically, of course, but he's just hasn't been acting like he even gives a shit about me.)It was seriously killing me to care about him, but I really do. And for a while, after he hurt me again this time, I was thinking that'd I'd just give up on him. But now, the more I think about it, I just feel bad for him. I don't think he's ever really had a friend in his life who has cared about him enough to just really be there for him. He took a lot of shit as a kid, and I don't think anyone in his life has ever really had really gravity-defying, pure love for him. And I've been so blessed to have had such amazing friends who look out for me... And I want there to be a person who won't give up on him, even if he is acting like an asshole. It looks like I have a chance here.
There have just been times when he's been so fantastic to me and to others, that I know there's more to him than the ass he's been acting like for the last few weeks.
But now he doesnt answer my calls or emails. I tried to visit him at work, but he was busy and blew me off. He WAY up-county, so I can't just pop over there whenever I want. And he just won't answer his phone. I know he lies about having lost his phone, and stuff like that, and I flatly told him not to tell me shit like that anymore. Well, now I can't even get in touch with him.
Should I keep trying or just let him make the next move? It'd break my heart to give up on him now, perhaps even more than it breaks it to have him give me shit.
Why the hell do I bother? I keep asking myself that. But I think it's because no one else does. I know his peers and have watched them backstab him. I told them off, but they didn't care. His girlfriends recently have been even worse. His parents treat him rough. I don't know many of his closer friends from school and stuff, and I'm sure they're chill and stuff, but I don't think it's enough.
I just need to tell this guy that I love him. Not like in a sexual sense, (okay, yeah, he's mind-numbingly hot, but that's secondary) but I just really have seen these moments in him where he's blindingly beautiful. (Which I mean in a non-physical sense.)I want him to stop playing these stupid mindgames and understand that I have faith in him and honestly think he was made for great things.
But I can't contact him...
Now what?