Movin' along now...

Apr 14, 2005 09:03

After Cordy told Harm t'toss off, I didn't even bother tryin' t'hide my smirk. Watched as the little bimbette ran off, and at the moment? I didn't rightly care where she was goin' off t'either. Placed an arm 'round my girl - yeah she was my girl, I was claiming her, wasn't love or nothin' just yet but sod it all she was mine - and pulled her t'me quickly for a kiss... my fingers laced through her hair as my mouth tried t'somehow push into her all the hope I still had... tried t'push outta her all the pain she was feelin' at the moment.

It was the least I could do, after all.

Let go of her and stroked the side of her cheek with my knuckles, smilin'. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Not appropriate at a time like this... well sod it all, I couldn't wait." That was only partly true, though. I'd seen how she was hurtin', and I didn't like that much.

Funny, don't know how or why or even when that had all developed, but there it was nonetheless.

"You're right, Spike. We should go see if they found any new information."

"Yeah," I replied reluctantly, holdin' her hand in mine as if that would somehow give her the strength she really didn't fuckin' need from me as we walked back inside. Vamp-hearin' caught the tail-end of the others' conversation...

"We need to find out what, if anything, that Spike and Cordelia have learned from Harmony. Wolfram & Hart is the obvious first on the list of suspects, but we've no clear motive, other than reducing our numbers by one. Faith, I think the idea of finding out if there's any new information on the street level regarding our newly re-organized adversaries is a solid one..."

Strode on in t'where they were gathered and shook my head sadly. "Nothin' is what we found out, except for the fact that Harm is a bleedin' idiot. Though, think we all knew that already." I sighed before goin' on. "She knows nothin', saw nothin'. Cordy's vision isn't narrowin' down anythin' much except for the whole Evil Inc. idea, so's..."

I watched Faith walk on out alone and raised a brow, turnin' t'Wes and Fred with my head cocked t'the side. "Right... so we got muscle on this now, eh?" I shrugged. Probably best if it was Faith, after all, and not me. Big Blue would recognize me, but possibly not as much as Faith if they ran into each other.

Saw Gunn's body lyin' all covered up and decided we needed t'forget him. For now... if only for the sake of everyone's soddin' sanity.

"So... what did you discover? Any new leads? Or should we be gettin' some rest or some-such?"

((Open to Wes, Fred, and Cordy!))
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