
Jan 28, 2007 00:57

ok so the finals are over , yeah im glad. also 1st semester ended the final week = i liked it cuz we got out of school early. tuesday finals were choir, talent day and history we started the presentations, wednesdays final was jewelry, finished the bezel piece and literature we finished the stupid presentations. so i stayed after on wed. to finish my final for jewelry and marshall couldnt help me and the ppl that stayed after till noon cuz she was talking to pryor in her office for like an hour. and thursday were my hard finals uh physics and math... monday and friday we had no school yeahhh! umm oh yeah American Idol started haha i love it and last saturday we went to my cousins. monday..was the first day of 2nd semester and let me just tell you 2nd semester is gay so fucking gay i hate it so much im not even kidding.
choir..we had 3 new people..and did the usual thing sing, history + literature i dont even remember and i dont care i hate those classes, adv. comp is gay too i have no one to talk to but theresas older sisters there but i dont think she remembers me plus she hangs out with her friend there but wowk said were gonna be doing a lot of individual work and im not gonna switch out of this class cuz i dont wanna take it again and i need the credit anyways so whatever, physics oh geez i walked into the room and i had this weird face on and i seriously thought i was in the wrong class cuz like 3.5/4 of the class were people from other hour and there were only 10 people that were in my class from 1st semester =[ ugh but 2 of the guys there are cute!, omg math wow theres not much to say about that class now there were not alot of people in that class from 1st semester i hate it ='[ the only good thing about that class is that i actually have some people to talk to. 
i just cant wait till 2nd semester is over. i just want 10th grade to be over
oh ya spanish that class is now...lame the cute guys are gone theyre in diff. hour and the ppl that are now in that class are gay thank god i still have some people to talk to
i hate blunch on mondays...gay ppl are in that lunch
clunch is same as usual w. the same people =] but to me it seemed like it got bigger
i dont know but people at school got crazy, and weirdER especially some certain kind people. like really. i dont like the school i think i wanna go to a diff. school now =[ people are just ugh =/ in choir i hate the stupid wannabe freshmans they think theyre all that. haha yeah right! umm i cant txt for a while =[ boohoo its gay and um oh yeahhh last thursday [18] i had this pink/red thing in my bottom eyelid i dont know what it was but it didnt go away till sat [21]! &&& you know i think i wanna move out of here. i miss the philippines, i miss my friends and cousins there, i miss my neighbors hehe, going to the beach and everything there, i wanna go to europe. just last week we had an icestorm but we still had school and this week it was really cold, it snowed and it went below 5degree OoO. whoa i dont want it to be cold, winter, and snowing anymore. i want it to be summer speaking of summer i cant wait for summer of o7. =] yeah excitement but its a long way to go. ummm i have nothing to be excited for for the rest of the month but midwinter break & winterfest [that means dress up week, woohoo] is nxt month yay i cant wait for that *sigh* we got a karaoke hehe yeahhh ive been watching so many music videos in youtube =D i love it.

so thats all for now, goodnight!
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