Mar 21, 2006 22:23

new update :)

weekend was okay. nothing special. studied, work on homework, and all that school crap.
monday..yest. was good. umm yeahhh..alot of homework ..not good
today was a really good day :)
but i sound soo nasally. boo :(
and i sound kinda funny when i have a cold.
i finally walked with alyssa. ehehe.
even days are the best.
odd days sucks ass- i have the worst classes.
marathon days..are pretty good.
so in bio. we took the test or quiz w.e i studied and it was still kind of hard for me.
and we changed seats. and i hate my seat. im always surrounded by guys and i sit
in the front AGAIN! i hate it how fraylicks passes paper..geez
i liked my old seat. leaning against the board. aha. and sitting infront of sara. but its
a good thing im away from my "twin" chaz. AHAH.
english was actually good today. yeah..so we can retake the quiz on thurs. cuz
like almost everyone did bad on the quiz because of mrs.hojna. she
doesnt explain things well. and um.. sad to say. she got fired. thats what i heard.
civics was FUN. i know civics fun? thats a first. we had a fire drill.
and me & sara saw him. we were walking behind him and his friend. 
hes a cutie.
and OMG i totally forgot. yest. at lunch i was in the lunch line with sara
and i looked up and he was right there infront of me 
(a diff. hottie =D).
so i was holding my tray and i turned around he kinda knocked over my fry tray.
but like only one small fry got knocked over. and he was like in a deep voice, "sorry"
and i wouldave said. (yeah youre hott so its okay.) but i didnt.
hmm i wonder if he spilled all of my fries. i wonder if he'll replace it... **
so in first hr we have a test tmrw. and its stupid
she didnt even tell us which one are we suppose to practice.
or which one are we suppose to play for tmrw. ugh
but hopefully its not for the chairs.
cuz i wanna stay in first chair
i want that award or trophy WITH
my name on it. =)
MATH..is always boring PERIOD.
and 7th hr is. ok...ay.
i dont really like it that much.
5th hr is okay too.
REALLY easy class &
the teacher doesnt care if youre late
and we can eat in her class.
we do easy work in that class
in 5th hr today.
me and jordan thought the 2nd bell ring didnt ring so
we walked pass the lunch room and looking around
and then when we heard the bell.
we were like oh is that the bell cuz not alot of ppl were out
so we were running to class but its a good
thing the sub didnt notice. hehe
so..::big sigh:: today i took a nap for like 2 or 3 hours. and woke up chill.
so im done with my hw and my update.
tmrw; oh yay....not an odd day
means. prolly not a good day..
we'll see.
toodles <3

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