So there is one fucking day left until Christmas and my family has a huge fucking fight over nothing. NOTHING. Kris scratched Ray's computer monitor and all parties involved were fine until Mom and Dad butted in and blew it out of the fucking water. Of course, I got yelled at for supposedly saying "I should just go home" when I ACTUALLY said "hey a christmas card" when I saw my christmas card in the inbox I have at the door that was from Kaytee (thank you Kaytee). So then Dad proceeds to scream some shit at me and tells me to stop causing problems. And basically it ended with Ray being in a really awkward situation and Kris and I right as rain once again and mad at my parents. Which I am STILL mad at my Mom. >____O I just wanted Ray to have a really good Christmas...
Stupid fucking family. T__________________T
They bought me a stand-alone heating pan that they call a skillet. LAWL.