[FF] Hidden Wings (DBSK)

Mar 29, 2009 00:19

Title: Hidden Wings
Author: angel_9_lives
Fandom: DBSK
Rating: PG?
Genre: fluff, romance
Pairing: Jae-centric, but Yunho/ofc

A.N: This had been nibbling at me for a while, so I finally gave in and wrote it, lol. Sharing it because of purplehaze_33:P

Un-betaed, so feel free to point out any mistakes:)

Also, this is from Jaejoong's point of view.

They don't see her the way Jaejoong does. Maybe if they did, they would love her as much as he does.

( Jaejoong had his own wants from life, just as Yunho did, and none of them included the other naked and panting beneath - or over - their body. )

x-posted a good couple places:P

fandom: dbsk, *writings:drabble, life in: texas, fic

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