Sep 12, 2008 21:20
*scratches head*
I don't think I have too much to worry about, but it's my first hurricane, so I wanna keep a record of it^_^
it's 9pm cst right now, and he's not supposed to get here til sometime tomorrow morning, or late late tomorrow night. *shrug*
I'll edit this when/if anything starts happening.
time: 4:58am
music: Gackt - kimi ga oikaketa yume
erm...looking at the track now, it looks like we're just gonna get clipped, but with the storm being so big, that doesn't mean much -_-;; right now, the map says that the outer bands are over us right now, lol.
also, the storm doesn't appear to be weakening yet o.O I know it just landed, but I was hoping it'd die quickly:\
and yes, now, I'm really going to bed:P
time: 4:22am
music: DBSK - 'O' (korean version)
Ike's hit landfall, Galveston is...well, from what I've heard, and to put it nicely: fucked. proper fucked, mind you. (pardon my french:P btw> I have friends out there that speak french..I wanna know how to say 'pardon my french' XD)
The wind here...hasn't really picked up yet. I think we've been having some nice gusts, but it's still in the teens, I believe. and the sustained winds are a whole whoppin' 6mph.
Be still, my beating heart.
to the people that refused to evacuate: you were warned, and now you will be mourned.
**note** ONLY to the people who COULD'VE left, but refused to.
The people that had no choice: you will be mourned as well, but for now, we're all keeping you in our thoughts and hoping that you're safe.
I'm going to bed now. I want to be awake and alert when the storm gets here.
life in: texas,
holy shit