Tut time!

Apr 22, 2007 17:03

So I got bored and made a stock tut. ^^ I'm using PS 7 but its translatable with any version of PS with selective coloring. In tw0 easy steps!

Lets go from

So lets get started shall we?
1.Duplicate your image and set it to screen opacity 73%(feel free to change the opasity)
2.New adjustment layer---->selective coloring And
For the selective coloring put in these numbers!

Reds: -100, 0, 100, 0
Yellows: 100, 0, -55, 0
Neutrals: 100, 0, -40, 0

Play around with the opacity of the selective coloring layer!

And there you go! Your done. And it was painless wasn't it?! ^^
Here are some other examples...

Feel free to ask any questions and show examples of what you made! ^^  
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