600 graphics its split into two parts...

Apr 11, 2007 20:41

So LJ says my post is too big. So I split it into two parts. On is the icons and one is the headers/FO banners/desktops...
So this is part two.
Its all under the cut.

Comment if you take anything
Don't alter anything
Comments make me feel fuzzy inside

Ok so I got the second part up you can find that part HERE.
And here is whats in both post. If its in [brackets] then its at this post. If its not then its at the second part of this batch

[59]Sundance actors/actresses

[26]Spring Awakening [an additional desktop]

[09]A Chorus Line revival

[26]America’s Next Top Model cycle 7

[6]BARE: A Pop Opera

[15]Blake Lewis [an additional desktop and header]

[5]Declan Bennett/Sumladfromcov [an additional 2 headers]

[4]Drowsy Chaperone [an additional header and 2 desktops]

[23]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [an additional desktop]

[2]Spelling Bee [an additional header and FO banner]

[9]Gwen Stephani [an additional header]

[4]Grease: Max and Laura

[30]Heroes [an additional desktop and header]

[14]Hairspray the movie

[7]Legally Blonde [an additional header]

[7]Jersey Boys [an additional desktop]

[16]Little Miss Sunshine


[5]Matthew Passion [an additional 2 desktops and header]

[121]Skins [with an additional 6 headers]

[5]She’s The Man

[40]Tarzan: The Musical [an additional 2 headers and 3 desktops]

[9]The Times they are A-Changin’ [an additional header]

[12] The Wedding Singer [an additional header]

[45]Wicked [an additional 2 desktops and 5 headers]

teasers for the icon post...

Teaser.... for this part.....

Its all under here! Well the second part is.

Headers/FO Banners



Declan Bennett/Sumladfromcov

Spelling Bee

Gwen Stephani


The Times They Are A-Changin'

The Wedding Singer

And aparently the icons poofed away so here are the Wedding Singer icons....

*6 through 8 were made with pictures taken by leagirl at the final preformance. Thank you leagirl!!! ^^

Legally Blonde

The Drowsy Chaperone

Blake Lewis

The Drowsy Chaperone

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Jersey Boys[Michael as Frakie]

Matthew Passion

Spring Awakening




ENJOY! This is a big post so I'm not sure when my next one will be.
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