I came to the conclusion that i am not happy with my photography at the moment. Not at all. I'm in a major hiatus - the biggest I've had in over four years.
The odd part is that I don't like shots that i loved way back when. For example, I was ecstatic when i took this. At the moment it was my little epitome of awesomeness.
I'm looking at it now and ehh... nice bokeh i suppose. Okay fine, its really a very nifty bokeh. But... meh.
Here's a shot from two days ago.. The dew that morning was a-maz-ing and if i wasn't incredibly late to work i'd have probably stayed taking pictures until it dried up.
I like it... A year ago I would have been thrilled with it. But i don't know, its missing something. Besides focus *cough*
Anyway I await the return of my muse. Life's too hectic at the moment. Days are getting shorter. In a week, I believe, daylight savings time ends, and the days will get dramatically shorter still. That and fall generally makes me feel all blah.