q and a

Jan 06, 2012 01:21

No one looked at my previous entry where i summed up my entire year in pictures. Go look at it. Go look at it now. I'll be very disappointed if no one looks. Hmph.

Survey I stole from Gary

both of your blood parents still in your life?
- my "blood" father has not been involved in my life since i was 2ish at least. But my mum is still around.

Were you tired when you woke up this morning?
-considering how late i woke up, i'm not allowing myself to be tired...

Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
-errr hmm. I'm sure the ex's family had colorful things to say about me. Don't know about now... Who else? I feel like I've kept a very low profile for a while now.

When was the last time you went apple picking?
-I slightly helped participate in pear picking in August :P

Have you ever made out on a couch?
-now that is personal! hmph. how dare you ask a lady?

What does your last text say?
- last outgoing text, something along the lines of 'как день прошел?' yesterday.

Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say?
-What i want? To *know* what I want!

Will you be single over winter?
-Who knows!

Do you speak more than 4 languages?
-I've got 2 covered

As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
-A friend

Name a boy who's wrapped around your finger:
-I hold none in command at the time

When's the next time you'll be drinking?
-Likely this weekend

Which class are you doing the worst in?
-I'm not taking any now but its usually anything math or physics-based

Captain Morgan or Smirnoff?
-never tried either

Predict what will happen this weekend:
-Приеду к Сашке наверно. Что ещё?

What are you doing on halloween?
-Hopefully nothing, i can't stand halloween.

Can you count to 100?
-last i checked, yes

What kind of car does your boyfriend/girlfriend have?
-everyone drives except me... I am almost inspired to drive, sometimes... Then agaaaaain...

How do you keep your fingernails?
-Depends on stuff. If I'm grooming, i keep them fairly short. If i have a break from grooming, then nice and neat and possibly even painted.

Have you ever been drunk at school or work?
-Well I used to work AT a school and i did get tipsy once... But not drunk and it wasn't work hours

Have you lost friends in the past years?
-I most certainly have

Do you prefer social or solitary situations more, or does it depend?
-solitary or very small groups. More than three people gets tough for me.

Have you finished school yet?
-A year and a half ago

What was the last thing you complained about?
-Hmmm. I complain often. I suppose technically that I haven't had a chance to see Slavko sans a huge group of people yet

How do you feel when you hear other people complaining?
- Depends on the subject. Sometimes i agree...

You receive $50 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
-I'd probably save it. Unless i'm in a very good mood.

Has your name been in someone’s facebook status lately?
-hmmm nope

Do you own any Sims games? Which ones?
-never even played sims. what a stupid way to end a survey.
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