Jul 17, 2006 22:10
Well it's been awhile since I've last update.
Time for an update then:
1. School
I have graduated from Capital already with my associate's degree, in which I'm really happy about, and I transferred over to Uconn. I will be starting there by the end of August so that should be awesome and another page in my lifebook of accomplishments and goals.
2. Relationships
Well as for my relationships, Dj and I are doing quite well, we're going to celebrate our one year anniversary this Sunday at midnight because he comes back from Montant on Saturday night going on to Sunday. I love him very much and I really can't wait to see him again. To think that in the beginning I was having doubts and worries and things have worked out for the great. God really do wonders and takes care of his children. That's one thing I am greatful with God, that he has used me to lead someone to him, which is Dj and he really is doing wonders to him now. I just hope that he continues to grow spiritually and that me and him can be strong christians in our faiths, love and life.
3. Friendships
Well as for friendships, I dont have many out there, just a few and the few I have I really haven't spent time with them, nor have they. I talked with Ruby the other day and she's doing quite well and were actually gonna catch up on somethings on thursday.
4. Church
As for church, same ol same ol. Our church is dead asleep, not literally but spiritually. I'm telling you after the split up with the other church things just aren't the same, the only thing that is similar to the host church and the new one is that we keep the same habits and traditions from the past, in which they are holding us back. I'm just tired of it, because we are like old christians in the faith still drinking that milk from the bottle when we should be eating fruits and what not. I'm currently the youth leader, and assistant worship leader. It's hard to do those two powerful positions because you have to be right with God and really devote your time with him, and I feel I'm lacking in those areas.
Well this is my update for now, I'm going to watch the rest of "CSI: Miami". Take care, God Bless and i love you all!