Wow watched Baghdad ER tonight,makes you stop and is real easy for us over here in the states to sit back and go on with our lives,not realizing how many of our soldiers are STILL dying and getting hurt.It really made me realize that other things are not important I am lucky I have my children,we all have our health.I know about a week ago it was in the paper that a guy I went to school with was killed so it Really hit home. We all need to remember that they are still fighting and they are still dying and getting hurt, so we need to remember to pray for them and there families.Also to pray to an end of the war.On a lighter note been a pretty good day made turkey peas and potatoes for supper went over well. I made the turkey on the rotisserie it was really good.I have to take mom to the Dr tomorrow afternoon to get her diabetic shoes and she also has another diabetic blister on her foot.The kids are all happy because they only have 2 days left of school yayyyyy:) N8 got the pool shocked and cleaned tonight so if it is still warm tomorrow the kids will all be able to go swimming.I need to get jovi_divas butt down here and go with us.N8 has decided we are going to try to go to chicago on the 4th and spend some time together without the kids.we need it bad.Seems the kids have nothing to say to us until we start talking and then bam here they all come.Or if we shut the bedroom door its like a signal for them to all come running.(lol) anyhow here is a link to a awesome video a guy made this for his girlfriend who's dad died in 911 it is sad.