Sep 02, 2005 20:41
This sucks really bad. My dog, Tilly, has been at the Michigan State Vet. Hospital because her tiny lil hip fractured into pieces. The surgery apparently went well and she came out of the anestesic.or whatever well. Then once she trew up soo hard that is made her heart stop. The were able to revive her that time but then she was on a resperator to help her breath cuz she wasnt doing that soo well. and then something else happened and her pupils were extremly dialated and fixed which ment that she was dying. So she died. This hurts soo bad cuz everyone loved that pup and we did soo much for her. she wouldnt of had a home if it wasnt for us. It makes me think that everything i thought was false. Why did she of all things have to die? She was sooo strong and she was fun and very loving. I dont get it. she ment soo much to my family, especially my mom. None of it makes since to me. Why did this have to happen. i dont see a reason for it and if God has a reason for everything then why did she have to die. why did my boyfriends fun loving aunt have to die. i dont get it, this is just too much to comprehend. and why hasnt my moms boss been able to finish her masters with her so she could be done with it and here with her family instead of having to go through all this alone? i dont get it and i pray for some sort of explination. The weirdest part of it all was that i had a dream last night, and i rarely remember dreams and when i do they always mean something and tell me something. Last night i had a dream that my grandpa died of a heartattack, maybe tilly died of a heart attack, when she trew up it did make her heart stop beating. What if its my fault? I had the dream, all my freakin dreams come true in some sort of way. And i had a dream about my cat last night and in it my cat was a stray cat, and really skinny..... my cat isnt stray and is really fat. so what does this mean? Now are we going to loose our cat also. I dont know how much more my family can take. Not to mention my oldest sister who is very healthy and active has a very serious condition called Lupus. None of this makes since. I somewhat understood why my other dogs have died, but this dog i dont get it. and i dont understand why it all had to happen this way. it wasnt a peacefull death or a painfull one. she was in a cold hospital in very much pain. I cant take it. We all ready had my dog austin die on january 10th and now this? WHY?