Right when I'm plotting and gearing up to start the Dystopian YA idea I mentioned in my last blog post, the muse decides she wants to dance naked and frollic with a new idea. Fickle little muse.
If you follow me on Twitter (
@LisaMBasso) then you probably already know I've started an entirely new project, one that just came to me with no planning and no forethought. And I simply had to write it. So, here I am, momentarily neglecting edits and the new ending that still needs to be written on SA (sorry, SA. You know I love you!), and running with a passion project.
Fickle little Muse.
But what can I do? The muse and I must work together (in a kind of harmony) to turn out something I'm passionate about on more than just one level.
Just like my last post, I won't reveal too much about this project except that it's going to be YA (again) and I'm loving my MC's voice. Plus, this time, what I've written so far, is telling me this is going to be a raw, bare bones kind of draft. So, for now, my tentative goal is 40k. Short, I know, but my MC is a no BS kind of girl (which I'm loving BTW) and I want to stay true to her voice (which is SO strong so far).
Yesterday was a sort of fail while I ran around with the bf's car taking it to get serviced then being notified the shocks are leaking (seriously, shocks can leak?) and some other part I've never heard of before is torn. If I didn't know better I'd swear they were pulling my freaking leg here. My point is, I didn't have a lot of time yesterday to add to the word count and today I had work, but wrote more.
So I started my draft two days ago, officially on the record as May 11th. And here's the word count so far.
3057 / 40000 words. 8% done!
*Ahem* Sorry about that. Just SO excited to be writing again. I've missed it. Oh! Almost forgot, I won't reveal the title yet, for now I'll call it "I-D".
Question: Do you let your fickle little muse dictate what you write? Or do you take the reins? Is she fickle at all? Do you even believe a muse? I'd love to hear everyone's opinions. I'm always thinking about what other writer's do in these kinds of situations. I'm a freak that way. :-)