Editing Like a Mad Hatter--I Mean Woman

Feb 12, 2010 08:55

I can't believe it's been a week already since my last post. Sorry lj crew!

Instead of turning this into an eight paragraph rant about money troubles, I decided to post an update.

Editing on "SA" is going well. Surprisingly well. I'm halfway through my third pass, knowing it will definitely not be my last. I got some great and helpful feedback from my #1 fan and totally reworked two chapters yesterday, adding in more of the conflict and tension they were screaming for.

There's still lots of work to be done and I feel like there's this tiny flame burning a rope which is dangling a mighty sharp blade over my head. And I like it. I'm under the freaking gun, racing to hand in chapters, going through them with a fine tooth comb. My fingers slick with sweat just thinking about it, but in a good way.

In other news, I am now officially a Goodreads author. Check me out. It's still a little sparse, but I'll jazz it up when I find a way to steal time. Has anyone figured out how to do that? I'd love some pointers.

In related news, I did a final polish on what I think is a great Query letter--which wouldn't have been half as good if it wasn't for redqueen1 *waves*--and sent it off to the amazing Kathleen Ortiz for critique (thanks to her fabulous query contest). And I'll be working so hard the next few days I won't have time to obsessively check my email every thirty seconds. Yeah. Sure. We'll see about that.


"sa", editing, query, update

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