Dec 20, 2004 20:16
If anyone gets that it's a Harvey Danger reference. Anyway I am sick and tired of dealing with people's problems! I seriously can't take it anymore. I mean one: I have enough for multiple people, and 2 I give them the answer and they give me excuses for why they can't do it! And yes I mean therapy! THERAPY! I am fucking sick of people looking down on the notion of using a therapist to help you get better. Like you are less of a person. I see one, am I less of a person? You think so, say it to my face and I will show you what "less of a person" can do. People say, "I can fix it myself," nope sorry you can't, it's impossible. And then you others say "I'm not strong if I see one," actually it's quite the opposite, you are weak, as weak as a field mouse filled with poison from a venomous snake! If you can't admit you have a problem, if you won't seek help, then you are weak, and afraid to expose yourself for fear that you will be shunned and hurt. Well let me tell you, shit happens! And if you are not willing to fix it, then quit bitching, cause you are just doing it for attention. Your just a little dramatic fuck, that wants everyone to see you, cause daddy didn't give you the love that you needed! Well guess what you need help too! I am sick of the ignorance, of the apathy, and the inability to admit fault. If you have a problem do something about it and stop coming to me and asking for the cure, especially when I give it to you, and you don't take it. There is no drug that will cure your pain, there is no person that will make you feel better, in the end it's all inside, all the trouble is what's inside, unless the trouble is a person, then get rid of them, and move on! Seriously I have better things to do then waist my time repeating myself, and feeling envious that someone else's problems would be easier to fix then mine, if they would just seek mental help. Cause I am seeing someone and on meds, and I am still fucked up! But I am getting better, it just takes lots and lots of time. So those of you who have the answers and won't take 'em, how 'bout we trade and see how it is to have no answers and only walls!