Nov 28, 2007 20:57
Ok, so I am not in fact deceased. Nor have I dropped off the face of the planet. It has been ages since my last post, I know, and there`s no way I could remember everything that has happened since then. I went to India somewhere around that time. I`ve gone home to visit my family for three weeks. And my cousin is going to kill me because I still have not emailed her, which I promised to do. If you happen to know about and read this blog, I really really will email you. I promise. I just can`t think of anything particularly interesting to say. Because I suck.
Anyway, most recently it was Thanksgiving Day in America recently and, though I don`t live there anymore, for the last few years, I`ve been hosting my own Thanksgiving Day feasts. I even manage to find a turkey, no easy feat in Japan. It always stresses me out in November, but I really enjoy doing it and I love having people over. I think it went pretty well this year. I had more people than usual, but there was enough food so all was well. I did forget that I had cranberry jelly, but ah well. Guess I`ll just have to save it for Christmas. And, what`s best, I finally managed to make a perfect batch of fudge. That wasn`t until the day after Thanksgiving, but half of my guests were still around, so we had more than enough people to finish it off. Yay!
And coming up this weekend is the JLPT. For those who don`t know what this is, it stands for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and while not the only test of Japanese ability, it is I think the most recognized, being offered not only in Japan but all around the world. I`m going for 2nd level, which is much more difficult than third level. Hopefully I won`t get too nervous and blow it. Like I did last year. Okay, that wasn`t nerves, but still. This year I`m taking it in my own prefecture at a place I know how to get to, so I shouldn`t end up at the wrong site like last year. Here`s hoping.