Fic: Poker face (1/1)

Dec 22, 2011 14:52

Title: Poker face
Author: Angel1605
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing/characters: Ten/Donna
Genre: Humor, romance
Rating: PG(-13)
Word count: c. 3000
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: The Doctor has to play a game of poker to get out of jail and Donna has to use an unorthodox method to ensure their freedom.
Author's note: This is a one shot for now, but I want to write a sequel one day.

In all of his nine hundred and something years, the Doctor is rather sure that he never before had to play a game of poker to get himself and his companion out of jail. But here he is, opposite the sheriff of a small and dusty town, playing for his and Donna's freedom.

When she said that she wanted to see cowboys and experience life in the Wild West for a day or two, she doubtlessly had something else in mind. He's sure that she'll hold him personally responsible for this as soon as she has the chance again, shouting at him from the cell opposite his like she has done for the greater part of the night. Which is, in his objective opinion, completely unjustified. It's not his fault after all that he is mistaken for an infamous bank robber and that the sheriff is under the impression that Donna is his trigger-happy lover.

But here he is, somehow having managed to persuade the sheriff, who turned out to be somewhat of a local poker legend, to play for their freedom. The Doctor was convinced that the young and too ambitious sheriff would be no match for his Time Lord brain, but he isn't so sure of that any longer. He is quite certain that the sheriff plays more aces than should statistically be possible, but accusing him of cheating doesn't seem to be such a good idea now that he is surrounded by two deputies, each of them casually holding a gun. They also make sure that the Doctor won't even dare to try to do some not entirely ethical tricks himself.

Far too soon, the Doctor has almost run out of the coins that were given to him to use during the game. He is mentally trying to think of a way to get to his coat, especially the pocket that contains the sonic screwdriver and the psychic paper, or finding a way to tell Donna that they won't get out for the time being - and that he has no idea what to do to make sure that they in fact will leave the jail without a death sentence.

Even for his superior Time Lord mind that is a bit too much, especially the last part, his thoughts drifting away from the game that he's supposed to be playing. That's probably why it takes him a while to realize that he isn't losing as quickly as he anticipated. If anything, the game has turned in his favor, the pile of coins in front of him increasing in seize gradually as he's playing absent-mindedly.

When he becomes aware of this at last, the Doctor takes an inquiring look at the sheriff. To his surprise, the young man isn't looking at the cards on the table, or even at the prisoner opposite him. Instead, he turns out to be staring at something right behind the Doctor. Bewildered, the Time Lord turns partly around to follow the man's gaze and find out what can be so interesting to distract him from the game like this.

The Doctor's mouth falls open when he takes in the scene behind him. It turns out that Donna has joined them somewhere during the game, one guard on either side of her as she stands behind him at the other end of the room. Although, standing...

He swallows when he takes her in as she leans down on a table that's in front of her, elbows resting casually on the wooden surface. She is bending down suggestively, looking straight at the sheriff, but that's not what catches the Doctor most off guard.

She is basically wearing the same clothes as when they were arrested, but she couldn't look more different. The coat that she wore earlier is nowhere to be seen and the top that was underneath it, a perfectly modest one, appears to have been stretched and pulled down, exposing the top of her breasts and emphasizing the parts of her chest that are still somewhat covered. And it's not as if he notices, but there's no bra in sight. All in all, the view is really quite spectacular.

Suddenly, he understands very well why the sheriff is completely distracted. In fact, the Doctor himself is finding it rather difficult to focus on the game now... or to think at all. Whereas he was thrilled by his apparent success only a second ago, looking at Donna in her current state makes him forget that he was playing a game with the freedom of both of them at stake in the first place.

He is vaguely aware that his mouth is actually falling open when he stares at his best friend as if he sees her for the first time, unable to tear his gaze away from the part of her body that is now overly empathized.

As if she isn't aware of the effect that she's having at all, she twirls a red curl around her finger with apparent nonchalance, smiling seductively at the sheriff. As if it isn't enough yet, she shifts slightly, ending up in an even more sinful pose. There is a sound behind him indicting that the cards have actually fallen out of the other man's hand, but the Doctor is not aware of this.

His cheeks may have been coloring already due to forbidden thoughts that run through his mind as he looks at Donna now that she is standing there like that, but his entire face reddens when she finds him looking at her. In spite of the distracting nature of the current view, he is still somewhat aware that this is all an act to get both of them out of the prison. He knows that. He really, really does. Donna would never behave like this if it weren't strictly necessary. That makes it even worse that he finds himself gawking at her, appreciating her - or rather, her body - in a way he hasn't ever thought he would.

Their gazes meet, her eyes unusually wide, and he can feel the heat spreading through the rest of his body when the look of shock in her eyes tells him that she knows exactly what he's thinking right now. He swallows with difficulty, trying to look away, but all he manages is to drag his gaze a downwards, unable to look away from her chest once more.

No matter how much he tells himself that he doesn't want to see this, that he isn't interested in Donna like this at all, he makes a rather particular noise in the back of his throat when the distress that his sudden interests in her causes has her chest heaving.

His breath is quickening and it's a good thing that he's a Time Lord and has superior control over his body, otherwise things would've gotten really embarrassing.

“Doctor!” she hisses at him, “focus!”

It's a good thing that the deputies next to her are far too busy studying the doubtlessly also very tempting curve of her hips and thighs from their vantage point, and that the sheriff too focuses on a part of her body that's incapable of speech. They surely wouldn't have appreciated it if they would have been aware of the contact between the two prisoners. Which doesn't mean that the Doctor doesn't find it very difficult to focus on what she's actually saying.

It's probably a good thing that both of them are shackled to the wall, those chains without his sonic screwdriver within reach more efficient than the two deputies and the sheriff combined. Otherwise this would've been the first time that he can't escape because he's utterly distracted by the sight of a pair of breasts. A pair that is admittedly beautiful and glorious and magnificent, but that wouldn't have made it any less embarrassing. But due to the shackles he's incapable of getting anywhere anyway, so later he can always pretend that those were preventing him from escaping while all the guards were completely focused on Donna.

It takes an amount of willpower that's impressive even for a Time Lord, but then the Doctor is finally able to drag his gaze away from Donna's chest. He turns back around and sobers quickly when he catches the sheriff all but drooling over his fallen cards. Understanding now what she is doing and that she's giving him their only way out, the Doctor intends to continue playing - and winning - as soon as possible.

He needs a moment for himself though, to at least force the redness off his cheeks. He didn't even know that he could blush, being a Time Lord and all that, but Donna proved him wrong. Well, that's not the only apparent impossibility that she made him aware of, but he's most certainly not going to consider the thoroughly inappropriate reactions of both his mind and body when he saw her like he just did.

Luckily, the obvious lust that the sheriff is experiencing makes it easier for the Doctor to actually focus. His own forbidden desire for his ginger companion is partly replaced by anger at the sheriff's reactions to her. She is his - although he doesn't really know where that thought comes from - and those men simply don't have the right to stare at her like this.

Taking another deep breath and forcing himself to ignore the fact that Donna is right behind him, doubtlessly in the same overly seductive pose as before, the Doctor clears his throat. The sheriff licks his lips and the Doctor is tempted to strangle him now for a whole different reason than his ignorance and arrogance. Clearing his throat again, more loudly this time, luckily is enough to remind him that there's more people in the room than just one beautiful woman. Only then the sheriff seems to be aware that he was playing a game of poker in the first place.

Glaring down at him as he isn't influenced by Donna's appearance at all, the Doctor manages to drag at least a part of the sheriff's attention back to the game, even though his stern glance isn't as impressive as it usually would be. Forcing himself not to think of Donna, at least until the game is over, the Doctor actually manages to focus slightly on the game itself even though he is rather sure that he won't get those images out of his head for at least three regenerations.

A few minutes later, the Doctor is the proud owner of both his own and all of the sheriff's coins. The other man doesn't even seem to be aware that the game is over, openly staring at Donna once more now that the Doctor doesn't give him a new hand of cards. The Doctor has to loudly cough several times more to remind the sheriff of both the end of the game and his loss.

The Doctor and Donna are walking out of the small jail another few minutes later, the eyes of the sheriff and his deputies still glued to her. This time it's probably her curve-hugging jeans that capture their attention. It's a very good thing that the men are still so utterly enchanted by her, otherwise they would've had a lot more difficulty reclaiming their rightful freedom after winning the game.

At the same time, the Doctor is absolutely horrified that Donna ended up in this situation, knowing very well that she didn't sign up for using her body to distract men when she began to travel with him. Both wanting to reassure her and to make very clear to the other men once more that she's completely off-limit, he carefully wraps his arm around her shoulder.

The heat of her body effectively distracts him from the strange sense of possessiveness that overwhelms him at the mere thought of those men looking at his ginger - and curvaceous - companion. The renewed hyper-awareness of Donna's body is however not a very desirable replacement.

This is ridiculous, all of it, really. She may be a beautiful woman - a gorgeous woman, all things considered, as he just discovered - but she's his best friend, and nothing more than that, like they explicitly established only a few months ago. Besides, he's a Time Lord, she's a human, so that should make him even less tempted to do certain things with Donna that he never ever thought he would want to experience with her. But here he is, unable to forget about the spectacular view of her body that she just basically accidentally offered him.

They both simultaneously head in the direction where the TARDIS is parked, wanting to get away from the jail as quickly as possible and not needing any words to decide this. Their ability to communicate without having to talk - or linking their minds - is another thing that begins to bother him. He has always appreciated the way they just understand each other, but he's starting to see this sense of unity in a whole new light now and he is rather sure this is not a good thing.

The Doctor tries to focus on the heat of the sun and the dust beneath his feet, forcing himself to ignore both the fact that Donna's breasts just have accomplished more than his brain and that he won't be able to stop thinking of those breasts for quite some time.

“Are you alright?” he asks quietly, very much aware that this experience doubtlessly wasn't exactly pleasant for her.

“I'm fine,” she says, looking him straight in the eyes for probably the first time that day. To his relief, he is capable of actually returning her gaze, just like he can conclude that her blue-golden eyes are at least just as spectacular as the parts of her that he just had a good look at for the first time.

He studies her for a moment, worry for her well-being suppressing everything else for a moment, but there is not even the slightest sign that this is still negatively effecting her.

“I'm glad,” he says, smiling a little at her as he sees her relax.

They approach the TARDIS and, making sure that they aren't followed or still being watched, he removes his arm from Donna's shoulder, unable to defend his proprietary behavior to himself any longer. He keeps an eye on her as he does so, but he can't tell whether she is relieved that he distances himself from her or not.

“Thank you,” he says, realizing to his horror that he hasn't expressed his gratitude yet for the unexpected and unusual but most effective help that she offered. “Without you we wouldn't have...”

“Oh, it's nothing,” she hastily replies, her cheeks reddening a little, something that he finds far more endearing than he should. Her suddenly lowering gaze tells him that it isn't as meaningless as she wants him to believe at all. “Just don't...”

He looks intently at her, very curious how she is going to continue that sentence. But Donna just shrugs, looking at him from the corners of her eyes and quickly looking away again when she sees that he's watching her.

When he unlocks the door of the TARDIS, the Doctor wonders how it's possible that things can seem so normal while everything has changed. Even as they make their way into the ship, he can't take his eyes off Donna but he can't meet her gaze, knowing now to a much larger extent just how very beautiful she is, what she can do to him without even really trying.

She catches him watching him, his eyes having drifted once more in an inappropriate direction, and now it's his turn to blush - again. But even as she quickly looks away, the scolding or the slap that he expects now that the sheriff and deputies aren't around any longer never coming, he finds himself thinking rather ungentlemanly thoughts as he once more struggles not to stare at a certain part of her body.

“Maybe we can play another game,” she says, glancing sideways at him as she breaks his train of rather sinful thoughts. “One just for us.”

“What do you mean?” he asks, only vaguely aware of what she's saying. He's getting the feeling that there's something different about her, something that has changed ever since she found him staring at her inside the prison for the first time.

“Another game of poker,” Donna clarifies, “for the two of us.”

“Poker,” he echoes, knowing now what she's talking about but still not understanding her.

“Poker,” she repeats, reaching for his tie, pulling at it playfully, and winking - winking! - at him a second later.

“Oh,” he mutters when realization begins to dawn regarding the exact kind of poker that she's talking about. “Oh.”

“What do you think?” she asks, sudden timidness audible in her voice at his lack of a confirming reaction.

“I... I think I'd like that,” he replies, his voice rather hoarse as he studies her face, which currently expresses something that's even more fascinating than the parts of her that he earlier just couldn't stop staring at.

“You do?” she asks, smiling at him in a way that's both seductive and unexpectedly shy and makes him very determined that this is exactly what he wants.

"Oh yes," the Doctor says, his reply this time containing all his eagerness of the prospect of playing that kind of poker with Donna Noble, "most definitely."

genre: romance, tenth doctor, genre: humor, doctor/donna, rating: pg, donna noble

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