At work

Nov 28, 2005 00:48

So I'm working overnight again. I worked 16 hours friday then had 16 hours off then I worked 8 hours had 8 off worked 8 hours had 8 off and now I'm working 8 hours again... that makes 40 hours in one weekend. I must be insane!! Still the check will be very nice. I get time and a half for the second part of the 8 hour shift I worked friday.

I'm not so tired right now. Maybe I'll be able to stay up all night with no problems.

I had a great time in NH. I had a good Thanksgiving too. The snow was so pretty. And it wasn't too much. It's all gone now though because it's rainy eww. It could be worse though right?

Working here is so weird. Right now there are alot of guys in here my age who if I ran into in the bar I probably wouldn't realize they had a problem with alcohol. At least no one tries to hit on me, I should hope they would know better... but it's bound to happen eventually. It's very common. I haven't really let any of the patients get close enough to me yet. They talk when they want but I'm still getting used to how to respond and so on. It's one thing to read it in a book and know theories. It's another thing to actually apply it. We all have to find our own style. Eh I'm learning.

I was forced to do a couple of groups this weekend due to staffing problems. It was interesting. I set up roleplaying activities and we talked about their families in one of them. They enjoyed it. And the one person who never participates even got involved. One guy keeps trying to get away with things thinking I don't know any better. But I think he's finally giving up. I feel like I did when I started my job at the elementary school... they're testing me to see what they can get away with. So much fun... blah I hate being on gaurd alot.

I feel guilty sometimes because I don't know exactly what they're going through. Because I can drink a half a beer and be fine, I can go to the bar and not drink. The only thing I'm addicted to is the internet... does that even count?!

Ok I guess I'll get back to studying for the GREs...
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