Drabble: She was his (Angel/Your choice) PG, angst, prompt: vow

Dec 31, 2009 21:55

Title: She was his
Author: Ashley
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Vow
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Angel/Your choice
Summary: It wasn't right for her to be gone, she was his.
Author's Note: I haven't written any fics for this fandom in a while, so please forgive me. This however just popped into my head.

He held her close, the rain falling down around them and his lips touching her temple lightly.

It was barely a whisper, her last breath.

Closing his eyes tightly Angel shook his head, his arms tightening around her as a compulsion he’d not felt in years built up within him.

She was his; his soul cried for her, his demon rattled its cage.

“I’ll protect you,” the vow emerged slurred, his fangs out, his game face on.

Her blood tasted slightly of chocolate, as he’d always known it would.

He would protect her.

She would be his.

Forever and always.

rating: pg, prompt: vow, type: angst, author: rabidtazwrites

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