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Feb 16, 2007 21:51

Sheila th..

Dec 20, 2006 1:22 AM
DAMN, my bad....

Tell Vinnie to come on back then, and I'llsend Mauricio in his place to cook you something, okay?

~I love having my own company~

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Sheila th..

Dec 20, 2006 12:58 AM
I'm at Planet Cyber with Marques and Jeremiah, just kicking it and stuff.

Oh, and I sent the guy with the crowbar..... you said you needed something pryed, remember???

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Sheila th..

Dec 20, 2006 12:08 AM
Yep, I am.....but I'm not at home, which would explain the me not on MSN or Yahoo.....mwah-ha-ha!

*Evil comes in all forms, the most obvious is.....me.* Sheila th..

Dec 6, 2006 1:15 PM
Yes, I should be ay work, but they cancelled my trip so I still get paid for 5 hours (WHOO HOO!) and I get the day off and don't have to be in to work until 4:30pm tomorrow.



Damn, I'm an evil bitch, lol......


Oct 28, 2006 4:32 PM
Yes, I happen to be quite a piece of work, lemme tell you! So many hidden things.....hehehehehehehehe..........

Abd you're quite welcome. I have no problem helping you out with whatever it is. Just remember that you can come to me at anytime, for anything.

Lots of love to ya,
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