LoL I'm back for a bit

Jun 07, 2005 19:26

Well I have been at work. my only days off now are Mondays and thursdays. A lot has happen.

First I talk to my homie carlos for the first time. :hugs: C

Second- I'm seein this new guy. I have not told anyone about this cause knowin my bad luck. So our first date was two days ago. He is a sweet heart, but I am takin it real slow. The thing is he is in the army. After frakie I was not sure if I should go after another miitary guy, but hey worst comes to worst he would be a cool friend.

I got a new car, it was my brothers I am not sure if I want to keep it yet or not. its a 99 passport. I love it now I know I cant go back after havin an SUV. Oh I did my move and hurt myself again that I ended up in the er. :shake head: I need to be wraped in bubble wrap not to hurt myself. I did it when I was dancin. I think I should just stop breakin for a bit.

Oh yesterday my friends and I were on Fort lewis. This crazy women almost ran us off the road thinkin that her guy was with us. Man we got out ready to fight. I was there to see my hun, and the guy at the dest was tellin her to stay in her car. Man we were ready to beat her down. This guy pop up singin that girl fight song. I am laughin now cause it funny.

I stop smokin again, so I hope I can stick to it. So far so good yesterday I did not get on after I was made as hell. Well I am bout to head out I need to by a knee wrap.

my sister ANNA R.I.P, Carlos, Noel, and my hun Fabio ( lol I know the name I know)
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