Oh i dont, cos i understand that if you bought me something someone would TAKE it before you even got the chance to give it to me. so let me clarify: I DONT EXPECT SHIT FROM YOU. kthnx fuckass.
blah blah blah. well if u actually are the person who "TOOK" it, then i guess i expect to get it back. But, this does not mean that you are any less of a fuckass. WHY? cos #1 you TOOK my dvd & #2 you are one of those fucking lame anonymous commenters. So i guess you could say im glad you choked? Have a wonderful day. FUCKASS.
Damn, this is turning into one of those huge super long comment chains where everyone just bitches at eachother. Fun stuff. Aigh cit. love you angela <3A
p.s. i did choke on sumthin and almost died thanks to ur ill thoughts
Have a wonderful day. FUCKASS.
love you angela <3A
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