Long story, but one worth reading if you love me.

Feb 19, 2007 22:14

So it has been quite some time since I have updated this thing. I feel like I've been neglecting livejournal but hey, it's not my fault. I just really haven't had anything worth writing about to put in here... until now. Haha now I'm sure you're all like wanting to read on and wondering... well what the heck does Angie have to say after 4 months of no updates? Well why don't you listen, here we go.

I work every Saturday morning, early. Like I'm talking I have to leave the house at 7:20 a.m. every Saturday morning for work at the Goldfish Swim School in Birmingham. Because of my sucky job on Saturdays, I usually refuse to go out or do anything on Friday nights because I hate being tired and crabby for work the next morning. When I got home on Friday, I was planning on staying in. I didn't want to do anything really, BUT I was convinced to go sledding and pondered it for a while. I finally agreed to it, thinking that I'd only be gone for an hour or so... was I ever wrong. So Nicolina, Scott, and I headed over to pick up his friend Nate from work. He is a bartender over at some Polish Club (go figure, he's a polock) and so he made us a few drinks while we were waiting for him to get off work. After he was done, we headed to his house and changed into snow pants and stuff and went to this hill on 13 and a half mile and VanDyke. It looked like a lot of fun, we were all bundled up and excited to do some sledding. I watched Nate go down the hill first and afterwards, Nicolina and I followed... we both hopped on our own saucers and held hands while going down the hill. That's the last thing I remember.

The next thing I know, I'm in the waiting room at the emergency room at St. John's Hospital on 12 and Hoover. Umm yeah was I ever confused. Turns out that when Nicolina and me were going down the hill, I somehow got turned around on my saucer and decided to smack right into a tree. I hit my head REALLY hard. From what people have told me, when they saw me laying in the snow, not moving... they thought I was just fucking around and being lazy and didn't want to get up. After a few minutes of me not moving, everyone gathered around me. Scott sat me up and told me that my eyes were rolled back in my head and I was not responding. He put his hands in the snow to make them cold and smacked my face twice to try to wake me up. I guess I recognized who he was, and who Nicolina and Nate were... but other than that I knew nothing. I don't have any recollection of anything that happened from the time I went down that hill - to the time I got to the hospital. After being pretty much carried back up the hill, and carried to the car, I made it to the hospital and asked the same four questions the entire ride there. What day is it? Who drove here? Who's car is this? and What happened? Yeah, Scott said I must of asked the "What day is it?" question about 17 times.

So once we got to the hospital, I guess I refused to sit in a wheelchair haha. Hearing that made me laugh, I don't know why I didn't want to sit in one. I would tell you why, but shit I don't remember for the life of me haha. So about 25 minutes after my initial collision with the tree, and 25 minutes of being blacked out, I started to regain conciousness and come to my senses. I remember looking at Scott, and looking at Nicolina, and asking them what happened... again. This time though, I actually could listen to what they told me and remember it because I was almost back to my normal self. Then I remember talking to them and re-capping my entire night. I told them everything that I did - so they knew I didn't have amnesia or anything. They took me back into the ER room and had a doctor come and check me out. This is still all very fuzzy to me but I do remember it for the most part. I just remember shaking because I was so cold, and I remember being wheeled away to have 12 x-rays taken of my shoulders, back, neck, arm, wrist, and face. When I was wheeled back into my room and saw Nicolina and Scott waiting for me in there I started to feel better. The doctor came back with my results and said that I had a fractured nose, bruised collar bone, bruised shoulder and shoulder blade, upper extremity contusions, and facial contusions. I had no fucking clue what a contusion was but I guess it's just a fancy word for really bad bruising and swelling. I also had a level 2 concussion... not good.

After all this madness, I needed 2 people to help me out of my hospital gown so I could put my clothes on because I was so sore. I finally went home. Scott had to open my front door for me and let me in my own house because I couldn't do it myself. It was 4:30 a.m. early Saturday morning. Mind you, I had to be at work at 8:00 a.m. in Birmingham. I was so woozy and out of it I forgot I even had to work. Scott called for me on Saturday morning and explained to them what happened. I spent the remainder of my weekend laying in bed and whining about my injuries. Thanks to all my visitors that came and made me feel better - it meant a lot of me.

Today I had a follow up at my family doctor. I couldn't drive myself there because of my crazy nauseous stomach so Scott had to take me... geez he's been good to me. She checked me out and told me my concussion was more serious than I thought and I had to go to Royal Oak Beaumont for a cat-scan. Scott drove me back to my house and by this time my mom was home from work and was able to take me to Beaumont. The cat-scan went by a lot faster than I thought it would, and I was out of there in less than an hour. I find out results later this week but I'm hoping nothing else is wrong with me. As for the rest of my body, I just need a week for all my injuries to heal. My nose bruised up pretty good and I have a black eye forming under my right eye. I'm a trooper for sure though, and I've never been this badly hurt... ever I don't think? So yeah, that's my crazy story. I think it's worth reading haha. Okay, I gotta get back to icing my nose and getting some rest, later gators!
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