So, I find some people hilarious.
Always trying to be the bigger "man". The best part is, we all know youre not "done" with livejournal, its just sad that you have to pretend that youre so much better than all of us. Get over yourself.
In other news, This weekend was fan-fucking-tastic, I got to spend a fun weekend with my gurlies, which made me soooooooooooooooo happy. Im so glad the three of us bonded for real. And then we also got to see one of the most fantastic people on the face of the earth..... And so that was pretty much the best part of the weekend. Me and Kami and Dani got to do our spectacular little drive down and back and down and back again and it wasnt so bad, despite how tired it made me, it was worth it. So was a good weekend.
Alright, I'm going to eat some PIZZA!
Oh, and I had to throw this in there. So cute.
What time is it? 11:09am
Quick. What's the first green thing you see? Cloe's bed.
Do you own a plaid shirt? I think so
Can you make cute little animals by folding paper? I've mad a fox before.
What kind of music do you like? everything pretty much. if they've got a good sound and they're not whiney little boy bands or britney spears or christina agu-fuckin-lera, then everything else. And country. ugh. (good answer, Dani. hehe mostly.)
What's your favorite kind of pie? I do not like most pie! But Apple.
Have you read a book today? a little of my religion book for class
Do you like going to museums? I love love love love going to museums!
Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? Nope
Have you ever been to the state of Washington? nope
Do you like apple juice? Yeah, its okay.
What's the longest research paper you've ever written? 8 Pages, I guess.
How cold is it outside? apparently 10 degrees...fuckin a.
What's the most laborious task you've ver completed? getting my ass on track and keeping my grades up.
Have you ever taken a course in Chemistry? Yeah
If so, did you like playing with the Bunsen burners and various chemicals? yes. Bunsen burners are fun because you can BURN things.
Do you like to draw? I love it, in fact
What do you put on your french fries? nothing!
Are your friends really strange? I wouldnt be surprised if some of them were considered that, but I dont notice, because I'm strange. hehe.
Ever seen someone wear their underwear on the outside of their pants? hahaha yeah, Dani, remember in my room, you had on the red thing and I had the underware on my pants. hehehe good times.
So, tell me about your day. Was it good? So far, its been okay. I got to take a loooong shower with my boo and then I went to class that was short and easy.
Do you like really long surveys? some times.
What color would you paint your bedroom if you could choose any color? Probably the same color as my headline text, that really ugly horrible green. God I love it. hehe.
Do you like everything to match? Nope
What color is your shirt? black
Do you like mustard? yessss
What about chocolate pudding? yessss.
What time is it now? 11:20, (i'm watching dirty jobs, so its taking me forever.)
Pens or pencils? Pens!
Blue, black, or red ink? Black or green. Greens fun and black is simple.
Have you ever broken a plastic coathanger by stepping on it? yess
Are you tired? a little.
Polka dots or stripes? polka dots
Are you listening to music? No, I'm watching the delicious Mike Rowe.... mmmmm
When was the last time you did the dishes? the other day
Pomegranate? Sure
*offers you a pomegranate*
Are the lights off in the room where you're sitting? yeah
Is it dark outside? nope
Do you ever have grass on your lawn? Yeah, theres grass on the lawn. Unless this is a cryptically dirty question, in which...not usually. hehe
What's one of your major pet peeves? ridiculous selfishness
Can you crack your toes? yeppers
Have you ever bitten one of your toes? uhhh, no.
Do you have any pictures of your friends and family hanging on the wall? not on the wall, but in frames up stairs.
Do you have a driver's license or permit? license
Do you have your own web site? a facebook but I dont think it counts.
And what time is it now? 11:25 am.