Taking a cue....

Apr 15, 2009 08:36

....from kosetsunotenshiand doing a numbered update.

1.  First of all, you all need to watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY . If you don't tear up, I just don't think you're human. Just watch it; you'll know what I mean. And you'll thank me afterwards.

2.  Things at work have been hectic, not to say totally out of control. Last week around this time, my boss yelled at me about coffee of all things. She was basically in a bad mood and took it out on me, and decided to do so about the most inconsequential of items, and in front of other people. I told her that I had reminded her about getting coffee the day before and that I had been out of town last Thursday and Friday with her at the conference and therefore didn't have time before that to remind her. Her response was something along the lines of "ONE DAY ISN'T ENOUGH TIME TO LET ME KNOW THAT WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF COFFEE!".... I mean she literally barked at me. She scolded me like I was a child for something that was more-or-less out of my control. She's the one that goes and buys the coffee, after all. But apparently it's my job to think for her. And I felt that she handled the situation in a truly unprofessional manner; she yelled, took her frustrations about other things out on me, did so in front of other people, and turned a very small problem into a very large one. Because of this, I don't think I can respect her much any more. She's done other small things that have been building up and this was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. What makes this even worse is that she tried to make a half-assed apology by saying "I apologize, but it DID give me a chance to say some things." Since then she's been trying to act like my best friend. I just want to avoid her. It's so awkward. Pardon my bloviating, there. It needed to happen.

3. Because of the previous issue, I am going to talk to someone in HR about getting another position within the University. There are a couple of positions available that pay more, and one in particular that I think would utilize my talents--including some of my graphic design talents--that I'm going to see if I can work with HR to get. (that sentence didn't make much sense, did it? Oh well. I'm tired and stressed, mothafuckas.)

4. Last weekend I had to deal with my family. H'ooboy. On "Easter" Sunday, my grandmother, mother and I went out to eat and my mother raised 5 kinds of hell. It went down like this: I hadn't had much breakfast and I was waiting until 11:30, which was the "scheduled" time for our lunch. 11:45 rolled around and my grandmother finally showed up. I was getting a migraine because I was hungry and my blood-sugar was dropping. So naturally my mother was even later. She does this thing where she thinks that she has to take kids to and from church every sunday. Of course she's using my grandparents' car and gas and not paying them back for it, and they just let her. And of course she thinks that this is god's will that she abuses her family or something, because that's part of her crazy. Well according to my grandmother, she wasn't supposed to be taking kids all over Brazoria county, but her craziness made her do it anyway. So at 12:00, when I couldn't stand it any more, I grabbed some cheese from the fridge and started munching on it so that I wouldn't pass out and bleed from every orifice in my body. (You need to imagine me bleeding from my anus. Yes, you need to do this.) Well during this time, my grandmother and I were furiously calling her on her cell phone and generally always getting the same answer: my mother, talking 90-miles an hour, trying to turn herself into the victim by explaining how she's going as fast as she can and will undoubtedly get pulled over and poor her and blah blah blah. She new I was mad at her and by the time we got to the resturaunt she had puffed up like a chicken and didn't say anything. She didn't throughout the whole meal, either. And I sat there with a migraine going "Why have you forsaken me, zombie jesus?"

5. This Sunday is my birthday. Give me money. Lots of delicious, delicious money. *licks a dollar bill for effect*

....So um that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I'm gonna go continue stabbing at my head with a pair of scissors until I'm left unconscious. Or until I've penetrated the area of my brain that gives me orgasms, and then just keep messing with it. Y'know, whichever comes first.
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