While I wait for laundry to dry...

Apr 05, 2009 11:53

The past few days have been... Fruitful.

I attended the South Central Writing Center Association (SCWCA) conference with my boss in Georgetown, Texas. We left on Thursday afternoon from her house and arrived some time around 5ish. The first line of business was to get checked in and get some food.

I'll spare you much of the details, mostly because I'm tired and have a mild headache. A lot of good things happened for me at this conference. I met some nice people, made some great connections, and had things said to me and about me that really made me feel good about myself. I was able to present some information on Second Life (so I now have a presentation credit that I can put on my resume). The representative for Alabama (or was it Arkansas? I never remember,) said that she was jealous of Chloe because Chloe had me. The President of ESMGSL (the Second Life company that's hosting our online writing center) told the CEO to tell me that she thought that I was "so awesome!". Chloe and I got along really well.  I had massive amounts of emails waiting for me when I got home..... And I even reconnected with a couple of old friends.

So that's just a brief update of what's going on. I'm feeling pretty good except for the headache.
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