So, when I started getting involved with the fandom (not necessarily reading fanfic because I did that months before I made my first fandom friend) I stumbled upon the word 'wussperv'
Of course, I googled the word and you can read the answer I found in this Blog from the words of one of the people who coined it →Click→
However, I'm confused again because it seems each person has a different definition for this word. For some it's people who read just 'fluff'
For me it's people who can deal with small doses of drama and/or angst... not as much as your average reader.
For instance, for me, wussperv-friendly fics are stories like MoBS (
The Misapprehension of Bella Swan Regarding the Inferior Intellect of Hocky Whores by hunterhunting. )
Sure, there is drama in MoBS but it's all resolved fairly quickly. No one marries the wrong person, no one sleeps with someone they shouldn't. E&B (the Canon couple in this fic) are apart due to a misunderstanding, but they get back together in a few weeks time. However, MoBS is most certainly not JUST fluff.
Another example of a fic I consider wussperv-friendly is MotU (
Master of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon )
Again, the canon couple separates at some point, but they get back together before they can mess up too badly. And that Fic is most certainly not FLUFFY. The drama regarding 50's past is quite gripping, and B&E's relationship is very complex. All this made me question if I'm really a wussperv, as the people who came up with the word intended it to be, or if we have been using that word so much we all have different meanings for it, different scopes to define it. At the very least someone could add it to the Urban dictionary at this point.... LOL
Anywho, just rambling in my living room whilst reading Fic and playing with Photoshop. It's way too hot outside to go out *sighs*
I leave you some gifts for reading my ramblings.
Manip-Porn *YAY*
Just so you know @babsiebaby made me do these... it's her fault *points finger at Babs*
Click on the tiny thumbnails to get the bigger versions. If you want any of these manips untagged just ask in the comments section.