Best. Case. Ever. (No Spoilers - Promise)

Oct 13, 2009 01:15

I've officially fallen in love with Castle.  I watched the first season mostly for the Fillion banter and enjoyed the show moderately (sometimes I got bored with the procedural aspect), but tonight's episode pushed me over the edge into fannish-land.  I was literally squeeing at the banter and chemistry between Castle and Beckett throughout the ( Read more... )

tv, castle

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Comments 8

musicbitch October 13 2009, 05:38:50 UTC
Right there with you, I love Castle to pieces=)


angearia October 13 2009, 05:50:59 UTC
I love it!


flake_sake October 13 2009, 09:31:49 UTC
Dollhouse clicked for me with Epitaph one, though imho there's room to get better, a lot of it.

And I feel exactly the same you do about Castle and Bones. Bones is getting tired, they have kept the status quo on for too long and now it's becoming boring. On Castle it's still working wonderfully and hope they'll not pass the moment where they should actually get together the way they did on bones.

I have not seen the new ep yet, but I absolutely love castle.


deathcomes4u October 13 2009, 12:24:03 UTC
Hee, Castle rocks my socks. Totally. ^-^ I like Bones still, too, though. Admittedly, I don't watch it regularly, just catching episodes here and there, and generally I like the forensics of it all. But I agree with above poster, they completely missed their chance to have Bones and Booth together and it's become tiring watching them if that's the only aspect you're in for. Castle is more entertaining at the moment for me, though I'm still not a big Beckett fan. She's growing on me though.


empresspatti October 13 2009, 12:37:20 UTC
I LOVE Castle. The writing is sharp and funny and Fillion/Katic have an appealing, unforced chemistry (I always felt Bones was so contrived).

Plus - most of the other characters are strong female roles. LOVE IT LOVE IT


yourlibrarian October 13 2009, 17:03:23 UTC
I'm not at that level of excitement over it but I do enjoy Castle a lot (and I'm also enjoying this season of Mad Men more than the last). I just recced both to a friend this past weekend.


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