FIC: Warrior's Might or "Why Buffy lives in a castle"

Sep 10, 2009 01:00

Title: Warrior's Might or "Why Buffy lives in a castle"
Summary: Buffy lives in a castle during Season 8. How? Why? How?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 610
A/N: Another attempt to fill in the blanks between Seasons 7 and 8.

Warrior's Might )

season 8, buffy, fic

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Comments 33

rebcake September 10 2009, 06:42:03 UTC
My favorite line? Laird Buffy.

*iz ded*


angearia September 10 2009, 11:29:59 UTC
Hee! Thanks!


moscow_watcher September 10 2009, 07:02:17 UTC
Interesting and convincing explanation. Xander's and Andrew's reaction to the news is preceless! :)

This line no one should be caught dead in plaid. Or even undead in plaid. made me laugh. So totally Buffy.


angearia September 10 2009, 12:09:50 UTC
Thanks for reading!

Interesting and convincing explanation.

Longstanding tradition of killing things and taking their stuff. From weapons big (subs) and small (swords, etc) to buildings (Hyperion hotel). :D


(The comment has been removed)

angearia September 10 2009, 11:30:30 UTC


beer_good_foamy September 10 2009, 09:08:41 UTC
There's probably a Highlander joke to be made here somewhere. :-)

That was fun.

Castles are for warriors. I’m a simple man.

Castles are also for people who can afford to pay the upkeep. Say, bank robbers. ;-)


angearia September 10 2009, 11:32:39 UTC
There's probably a Highlander joke to be made here somewhere. :-)

Of course. I await your wit at your leisure.

That was fun.


Castles are also for people who can afford to pay the upkeep. Say, bank robbers. ;-)

But hey! This is her legitimate funding. The Scots have a long and proud history of giving shelter to the unwanted warriors of the world, after all. It would have been cool if Joss had gone all Knights' Templar once the world started hating Slayers. Just sayin'.


beer_good_foamy September 10 2009, 12:31:11 UTC
This is her legitimate funding.

How is a castle that costs a fortune to maintain funding, exactly? It's capital, but it's also cost.

...*takes off business grad hat*


stormwreath September 10 2009, 13:54:08 UTC
Guided tours? A venue for business conferences? A holiday hotel where rich people can go hunting, fishing, golfing and vampire-slaying? Open a theme park in the castle grounds?


sarian71 September 10 2009, 10:34:17 UTC
So that's how she got that castle. Makes perfect sense, and it didn't cost a thing!

“So does that make you, uh, lard now?”



angearia September 10 2009, 11:34:50 UTC
So that's how she got that castle. Makes perfect sense, and it didn't cost a thing!





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