Title: Desperate Choices
Summary: Buffy robbed a bank in Season 8? What could possibly lead her to do such a thing? Set during the summer after Chosen.
Spoilers: None, except you know that bank? Yeah, Buffy robbed it.
Warning: None.
Word count: 2,151
Rating: G
A/N: When Dawn left for college was never made clear in the time between Season 7 and
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Comments 41
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hitting up Angel for Wolfram and Hart resources ...because they're evil?
or just asking the families to continue to financially support their world-saving daughters!...this is an assumption of privilege. Would single mother Joyce or Faith's absentee, dissolute parents strike you as ones capable of funding an organization like this? I take it that Buffy's line of "legitimate resources" is coming from the few families who are willing to help. But not everyone can. 500 slayers. The majority of them probably come from low to middle-income households where the families can barely for college let alone support an international organization slaying evil ( ... )
It's a huge assumption to say that every Slayer's family can afford to send money to fund the Slaying. It's the equivalent of sending a Slayer to private school. The majority of those 500 girl's families probably can't do this. Most families in America can't do this and we're supposed to still be one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Anyway, I've posted an alternate scenario over at BF. And the key point is that there are multiple scenarios possible -- each with different implications for how we judge Buffy's actions to date. It's not that yours is wrong or not possible. It's that it's not the only possible path to BtBR.
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