Title: Lay Weary With Me Summary: Buffy arrives home tired to find a sleeping vampire in her bed. Set sometime in a happy future. Pairing: Spike/Buffy Word Count: 282 Rating: PG
Also...not needing to breathe certainly has its benefits, doesn't it?
Word. Heh, I actually thought about doing a follow-up from Spike's POV where he awakens to find her lying on top of him and just...lies there. For a long time.
You know how you sometimes turn your pillow over so that it'll be cooler? I'm picturing Buffy poking him in the ribs in the middle of a really hot summer night and making him turn over so she can get the cool side of him. *g*
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Also...not needing to breathe certainly has its benefits, doesn't it?
Also...not needing to breathe certainly has its benefits, doesn't it?
Word. Heh, I actually thought about doing a follow-up from Spike's POV where he awakens to find her lying on top of him and just...lies there. For a long time.
You know how you sometimes turn your pillow over so that it'll be cooler? I'm picturing Buffy poking him in the ribs in the middle of a really hot summer night and making him turn over so she can get the cool side of him. *g*
Here. :) I think I actually like this one better.
Haha! Yes, I can totally see Buffy using Spike as the cool side of her pillow.
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