Title: Getting Off
Summary: Buffy and Spike are trapped on a magical submarine and the only way to escape is to fire the flames of their passion. Set sometime post-Damage.
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Genre: PWP
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language and Sexual Situations
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Just playing for fun.
A/N: This is my first ever
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Comments 53
The nookie is hot. The submarine elves are fall-over funny. Just what I needed to read.
(A heads-up - the text isn't behind an LJ cut. Could you stick one in, please?)
(A heads-up - the text isn't behind an LJ cut. Could you stick one in, please?)
Check again, hon. It was already fixed. :) I swear, my html issues with posting fic never end.
“Never had one of these dreams on a submarine before,” he muttered to himself.
*Falls ded laughing again*
Very hot smutty spuffy submarine loving going on in this fic. Great job.
Okay, one, funny as hell. Submarine Elves, not a yellow submarine, sex magic...I love the set up. It's just so blatantly and knowingly contrived. It's perfect.
Two, teh sex....mmmmmm....smut....
Now that is awesome.
I 've never met a Spuffy-sex-on-a-submarine scene before. It was hot, and quirky, and the character voices are spot-on.
The tidbits that made me LOL!!!
Andrew couldn’t keep a secret if he had amnesia
“I’m beneath you.”
“Is that such a bad place to be?”
Yes, Spike, you've finally found the place you belong! :))))
Thankies. :)
I've never met a Spuffy-sex-on-a-submarine scene before. It was hot, and quirky, and the character voices are spot-on.
Dare I say that I've braved a new PWP frontier? ;) Thanks for reading and commenting. And I'm so glad you laughed at the amnesia line - hee! And I clearly had way too much fun making "beneath you" all dirty.
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