FIC: Oh Holy Disaster

Dec 25, 2012 02:09

Hello, lovelies!  I felt inspired to share a little Buffy Christmas fic as a present to my flist.  I hope you're enjoying the holiday (if such is your inclination) and that this fic brings a little Buffyesque cheer to your day.

Oh Holy Disaster
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Season 6. Buffy, Dawn, Spike. 850 words. PG-13 ( Read more... )

buffy, spike, dawn, merry christmas y'all!, fic

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Comments 10

kikimay December 25 2012, 13:52:07 UTC
This is pure PERFECTION. Dawn and Buffy's voices are really perfect and Spike in the end is just his amazing self. Poor Summers girls, always pissed off by stupid demons in the wrong moments! Incredible fic! Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! Gifts from the fandom! Gifts! livejournal December 25 2012, 14:38:10 UTC
User kikimay referenced to your post from Merry Christmas! Gifts from the fandom! Gifts! saying: [...] lovely gifs! Can I recommend some? Read this fic ---> [...]


pocochina December 25 2012, 17:09:03 UTC

we are going to have a Christmas dinner if I have to murder every demon on the face of the planet.



local_max December 25 2012, 19:17:20 UTC
“If I could kill it again, I would. I’d make that demon extra dead this time. I swear.”

Hee! A great Christmas moment.


red_satin_doll December 25 2012, 20:32:54 UTC
Here from kikimay's rec - I just posted someone else's xmas fanfic to my LJ, and wish I'd seen this sooner to link to this too! I'm normally pretty Christmas-fic-fuzzies resistant but this hits the spot. You capture Buffy so well,(but you an I are soulmates when it comes to our Buffylove, you already know that) and this actually has some of the best, most true-to-canon characterization of Buffy and Dawn's prickly-but-loving, gloriously complicated relationship. (It's actually hard to find in fanfic, nevermind so well-done - but then even Joss screwed it up in S8 and I'll never forgive him for that. Come on, Joss, I'm talking about the freakin' BASICS here.)

Extra points for the shout-out to Pangs! Dawn has obviously inherited her sister's obsession with perfect holiday meals - and the Slayer's back luck when it comes to same. Summers' blood, indeed.


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