I Remember Controversy (and all the stages of emotional flail that accompany it)

Mar 29, 2012 00:52

I've been doing a lot of ruminating about fandom lately (months, really), how it works, and how I fit into it -- or to be more accurate, how I want to fit into it.  So here's a little slice of fandom history, the Emmie remix.
this is my story, i suppose, wanna read it? )

personal, fandom, slice of history

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Comments 42

gingerwall March 29 2012, 05:12:00 UTC
<3 <3 <3

Emmie you are the best! I love reading what you write about Buffy, because your love and passion really does come through, and it's contagious. I mean, I love Buffy the show, and Spuffy the fic, most of the time, but never as much as when I'm reading you rave about how fabulous something is.

Also, that banner is great! Apparently it's been a while since I've been to your actual page, rather than just reading off my flist.

And, this time for NaNoWriMo, I'm actually going to write some big epic Spuffy and hopefully post it. I feel bad for not contributing more sometimes, but hey, everybody loves comments. :D


angearia March 29 2012, 05:15:50 UTC
<3 <3 <3

I'm so glad! There's nothing I enjoy more than sharing the blissed out feelings this show inspires in us all. (Okay, I do enjoy my snark, but I try to mix it up, you know. :D)

Aw, thanks! I've been actually thinking about changing my journal style, but now you've just thrown me back into indecisiveness. SPUFFY, CAN'T QUIT YOU.

A big epic Spuffy NaNoWriMo? But, but -- we have to wait till November? *pouts a la Buffy aka adorably*


gingerwall March 29 2012, 15:10:23 UTC
Haha, no, go ahead and change it... as long as you keep the One Girl GIFs on the side. :)


ladyofthelog March 29 2012, 05:31:45 UTC

... )


angearia March 29 2012, 06:20:04 UTC


passionrlsusall March 29 2012, 06:07:10 UTC
Great writing and explaining ( ... )


angearia March 29 2012, 06:22:04 UTC
Ta :)

I totally get you. That's actually how I experienced the show, too. I just went with what the show gave me, enjoyed it all, loved Buffy/Angel when it happened, moved on to the amazingness that is Buffy/Spike. And I wasn't in fandom during the show (thankfully) so I wasn't around for all the horrible wank back then.

I think distance can be a good thing, at least distance from the wank. There's so much to enjoy in fandom when it comes to meta and art and fic -- that's totally worth it! It just takes a while to learn how to avoid the Sinkpools of Doom.


upupa_epops March 29 2012, 06:12:42 UTC
See, this is why I love my flist so much. Because my flist are people who can write posts like that. Now I want to write down All The Meta Thoughts just to celebrate that we can all have different opinions, and still be friends. Thank you! I suppose this post happened because sth unpleasant prompted it, so right now it probably doesn't make you feel as warm and fuzzy as it makes me, but I wanted you to know that this post is smart, thoughtful, and simply amazing. ♥ ♥ ♥

Btw, now I kind of want to read s8 just because I'm curious what you see in it. I don't like comics (not just Buffy comics, I generally dislike comics as a medium), so I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to read them, but you made me interested.


angearia March 29 2012, 06:19:30 UTC
See you're already writing All The Meta Thoughts when it comes to TVD though. And I totally thought about your comment-ficathon-to-be and got excited while walking across campus. It was a necessary uplifting experience because I'd just remembered there was no new episode tomorrow. /woe

I wanted you to know that this post is smart, thoughtful, and simply amazing. ♥ ♥ ♥OH GURL ( ... )


upupa_epops March 29 2012, 06:51:27 UTC
I'm glad you like the ficathon idea \o/. But I'm pretty sure there is an episode tomorrow?

See, I'm pretty passive in Buffy fandom, but I see similar things happening in TVD? It's not the same, and every fandom has its unique mess, but still - not easy to navigate.

(Yes, I'm writing a TVD meta as we're speaking. I am beyond saving ;).)

Thank you for describing the comics! I might give them a shot. I generally want to do a Buffy rewatch soon, and Restless is one of the first things I want to see again. I never liked this episode, and always had a feeling that I don't like it because I don't understand it. So you made the decision easy for me, I will read the comics when (if?) I start liking Restless :D.


ironic icon b/c the plot is faltering rn, le sigh angearia March 29 2012, 06:53:57 UTC
WAIT. There's a new ep tomorrow? OH YAY. See I mostly follow TVD based on y'all keeping me informed. And mostly I suck at keeping track.

(YES FEED ME META! nom nom nom)

LOL. Yeah, if the pushing-the-story-boundaries episodes isn't quite your thang, Season 8 might be a trial. :P


ever_neutral March 29 2012, 07:18:47 UTC
You already know how I feel about this post. ;)

::ice-cream vomit::

(why ice-cream? why not.)


angearia March 29 2012, 12:47:56 UTC
Mmm, ice cream in the morning. Can it be ice cream coffee with extra shots of caffeine?



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