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Comments 24

goldenusagi March 3 2012, 07:39:21 UTC
and i have this weird complaint about the evolving aesthetic of the show.

Me, too. I'm not sure what, but something shifted and for me, from here on out, it's not the show I fell in love with.


angearia March 3 2012, 07:45:30 UTC
Glad it's not just me. I wonder if there was some major changes going on with the production team?

Honestly, the shift feels really pronounced to me. Like the difference I feel between Doctor Who 1-4 and Doctor Who 5/6. Only more so with SPN. I can't quite put my finger on it.


goldenusagi March 3 2012, 09:53:56 UTC
I wonder if there was some major changes going on with the production team?

Ummmm, well, Kripke the showrunner left.

But besides the feeling, I also think that S6 just doesn't hold together, plot-wise. Too much going on, too many dead ends left hanging, too much of the (writers' desired) effect leading to the cause. And by effect leading to the cause, I mean it seems like there was an endgame (or several little endgames throughout the season) they decided they wanted to reach, and then forced the characters to fulfill it, instead of the characters' actions and motives naturally leading to those things. I feel like I can see the writing.


flake_sake March 3 2012, 08:12:33 UTC
Russian lit is made of awesome.Once you get to be a Dostojewskij (sorry german spelling) addict you have to read The Idiot and also Evil Spirits (?). I loved them too pieces, he's so frickin great with the characters. They jump right of the page and I meet them every day somewhere, especially the annoying ones.

Also, have you read Bulgakow yet?


beer_good_foamy March 3 2012, 11:07:53 UTC
Evil Spirits (?)

I think the English translation is called Demons. And despite the title, it's by far Dostoevsky's funniest novel. Wall-to-wall satire.


angearia March 4 2012, 03:31:40 UTC
Thanks for the recs! And I haven't read Bulgakow yet, but I'll be on the lookout.

I'm so excited for Dostoevsky.


beer_good_foamy March 3 2012, 11:06:06 UTC
Dostoevsky! \o/

...Sorry, I have nothing particularly constructive to add. But good to see you around!

(Oh, one thing: I just started reading Elif Batuman's The Possessed, which is basically a memoir about falling in love with Russian literature. Based on what I've read so far, it's highly recommended.)


ceciliaj March 3 2012, 13:39:39 UTC


angearia March 4 2012, 03:42:02 UTC
So another rec for The Possessed, then? Okay! It's a must-read!


angearia March 4 2012, 03:32:46 UTC
I remember you wanting me to think about Faith while reading this! I shall, I shall!

It's good to see you around, too.

(Oooh, sounds excellent. Basically in a story-of-my-life way right now. Russian lit, man. I wasn't expecting to love it so instantly and powerfully.)


gillo March 3 2012, 13:56:38 UTC
I'm just getting back into serious literary study after taking early retirement. I am more excited than you would imagine possible that I am now working on an essay on Middlemarch and that I get to spend time in the university library. Yes, I'm a sad, sad person.

You asked me a week or so ago if I had any meta on the place where Cecily rejected William. You and several others - so I wrote some. The piece after it is an attempt to rationalise Dru's accent and backstory too.

I love your header. Why not choose one of the minor colours in it and just use that to replace the black? Spuffy is too good to abandon. ::wails::


angearia March 4 2012, 03:34:26 UTC
Oooh, how excellent. I love imagining you reading Middlemarch and writing up brilliant thoughts.

*runs over to read your meta*

Thank you for linking me, dear!

Sadly, I'm not sure how to keep the header since the art itself is primarily black. Clearly, I need help from an ~artiste~.


eowyn_315 March 3 2012, 15:56:42 UTC
driving & music cause the most imaginative extravaganzas of storyboarding for me.

Haha, I used to mentally write fic ALL THE TIME when I was driving back and forth to my parents' house. Hmmmm... now that I think about it, my drop-off in productivity sort of coincided with fewer trips home...


angearia March 4 2012, 03:35:32 UTC
Clearly more road trips are called for. :D

I dunno what it is, but the motion + plus music just jumpstarts my imagination. It's nifty.


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